Fresh herbs

This stash of rosemary came from the communal garden on our estate. The fragrance is abundant. The sage on the other hand has been nurtured (& somewhat neglected previously) in my own garden. Since making soup, sage has become my go-to herb of choice. The saying ‘a little goes a long way’ is very much…

Make your own seasoning

Made some homemade herb mixes the other day. Result: taco seasoning and a huge batch of dried rosemary thanks to the communal garden hedge. And I had all the ingredients for the seasoning so a refill shop ahead me.

Rosemary and parmesan crisps

These are the kind of throw together starter snack where you have 1 and cannot stop. With a dash of course sea salt, they are definitely a winner!

A dash of rosemary…

This one really derives from a simplistic approach to festive gift ideas. I wanted to make something that people could use, could be easily packed away and wouldn’t take up too much space. And fragrant…oh my the fragrance. So rosemary salt was the answer. I used organic coarse seat salt, fresh rosemary that I dried…