Street food – sweet Danish style

I love the concept of market street food (I think the niche of it has grown and only for the good). I think it’s a romantic thought of a million cuisines and cultures merging across a space and you can have your pick of ANYTHING. Well my anything was sugary and not that bespoke. But…

The true comfort of memories

I could eat Hungarian Palacsinta on a daily basis. I’m sure it isn’t fundamentally nutritious but my word, once you’ve gone to the world of European savoury stuffed thin pancake, you never look back. I remember my late grandmother cooking them in her dark mission brown wooden boiling hot kitchen by the seaside when we…

Tins at the ready

There can be as much fun in preparing for baking as there can be in eating the delectable end product –fact! Loaf tins at the ready Ingredients on their way to make a scrummy madeira cake…

Wine & cheese – a culinary match made in foodie heaven

We all know (and if you don’t, then here’s your lesson), that a glass of red and a slice of cheese on a crunchy cracker is perfection. So in celebration of all things dairy and grape combined, what’s your favourite wine and with what cheese? Mine (and this is me being disciplined providing just one…

The delectable cupcake morsel

Oh, such is the divine blessing of the humble cupcake, I would actually eat them every day if I could. With the once common tiered wedding cakes now evolving into prefered individual wedding cupcake servings(and I think the evolution of wedding cakes in themselves is amazing), cupcakes offer a variety that should entail a much…

An Italian delicacy by no other name

This week feels like a sweet tooth week (and what is wrong with that?) My husband came home from work the other day holding an array of cream filled pastries which we first stumbled upon and fell deeply in love with earlier this year in Venice. I know that cream horns (Trubochki) are associated with…

Key Lime Pie – my favourite way

I often muse over whether I would be a person who took a lot of photos of my food – the general opinion is everyone posts too many food photos in this technical age, so to buck the trend descriptive words should do all the action and let imagination take over. Let’s face it; a…

David Mamet quote

“We must have a pie. Stress cannot exist in the presence of a pie.” ― David Mamet, Boston Marriage